Kiireinen viikko / Busy week



1.Did you cut your hair? 2. Oh, you noticed?3. Pretty nice. 4. I could open my comic blog again just for this ocassion.

1.Hmm..pins pins… 2. I was shopping with my friend and looking for hairpins. 3.Because with new hairstyle comes great presonsibility. 4. You know the feeling when you try to find something specific and end up getting something else ( So I didn’t find those hairpins..) 5. I found a really cute hat! 6. Hats really don’t look good on me. I look so silly with them…BUT: Why does this look so normal on my head…?


1.Why oh why?! Why did I buy that hat? It doesnt’ fit my style…! 2. But I’ve been thinking about it for two days now and I have to admit: The hat works! 2. Example styles.


1. But seriously, it’s september and people sell christmas stuff already… 2. We already know that people start stressing about christmas early.. again… 3. Yeah, I know! I’m a hypocrite and bought that christmas soda…


1. I should call and ask what pizza he like to eat… 2. NO! I WON’T LET HER TAKE YOU FROM ME! 3. OH, HONEY! 4. WHAT? YOU’RE HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A BUTTON? 5. I’m so happy – me too. 5. I DON’T WANT TO LIVE IN THIS CRUEL WORLD!

0011. WHA?? 2. I’D RATHER KILL MYSELF… boohoo… Aaaagh! *CRAcK!!* 3. *anger rising*

Kuulokkeiden johto siis jäi kiinni takin nappiin ja kännykkä lensi lattialle. Ja tottakai näyttö meni hajalle ja 180€ näytönvaihto <3 Ihanaa..(Tapahtui keväällä) / My headphones got stuck into my jacket button and my phone fell to the floor. And of course the screen broke and I had to get a 180 euro screen replacement <3 Lovely… (This happened in spring)


1. Finally I cleaned up the apartment! Woo! 2. Setbacks: vacuum cleaner broke and I got an enormous headache. 3. It was all downhill from there: I made a mess of my clothes, for example ”Stupid soup, why won’t you get in my mouth….”


1.Does anyone else have these kinds of experiences with makeup… 2. Both your eyelashes look good before mascara. 3. BUT THEN… 4. WHY?whywhywhywhy? 5. What is it with other eye never working out like you want… NEVER!IMG_0015A cup of morning coffee with friends after a party is the best <3

Hello & welcome!

Joten kolmas kerta toden sanoo. Herätin kauan unessa olleen blogini ja tulen piirtelemään täällä asioita minusta, joita en ehkä itsestäni oli koskaan paljastanu (SHOCK) ja koetan rohakaistua kertomaan mielipiteitäni asioista (joka varmaan jää aika vähäiseksi. <:D )

Mutta näin lyhyesti: Tervetulloo lukemaan blogiani. Itse osaan olla aika huono aloittamaan keskustelua, niin tulkaa rohkeasti juttelemaan! 🙂


Hello and welcome to my comic blog! 🙂 Some of you might already know this is my third time drawing a comic blog so let’s hope this will last my whole life. x) So I will draw something about my life, even things which I haven’t told anybody else (SHOCK) and I’ll try to tell my opinion on stuff (which there might be litlle…<:D)

In short: Welcome to read my comic blog. I can be a little shy but feel free to talk with me anytime you want (and sorry for my bad english!). 🙂